Carers Rights and Entitlements
Carers provide an invaluable service on a daily basis caring for loved ones who find themselves unwell.
Carers deserve to be treated with fairness and respect, and there is information here on rights and entitlements for carers, dated June 2022. This may be subject to change with the annual budgetary process.
Carers Allowance
There are a number of governmental and other financial support options for people who take on a caring role. Carers Allowance is a means tested payment for someone who is providing full time care for a person because of their disability, mental health or physical illness. If you live with the person you care for you may also qualify for household benefit package and other means tested supports such as GP visit card and free travel.
Carers Support Grant
Carers support grant is not means tested. Carers who do not qualify for carers allowance may still qualify for the carers support grant. If you are caring for someone full time for more than 6 months and living with or close by and not working more than 18.5 hours a week you can apply for this grant. A carer’s support grant is automatically paid to people on carer’s allowance. In June 2022 the grant was € 1,850 and is paid once a year.
Carers Benefit
Carers benefit is a financial support available to people who need to leave work to care for someone needing full time care. To qualify for this the claimant needs to have enough social insurance contributions. The maximum time you can take off is 2 years for each individual you care for and this time can be broken up or taken together. If you qualify for carers benefit you are entitled to a GP visit card.
The Citizen Information centres are a great source of information. See below links
Family Carers Ireland
Family Carers Ireland is a national charity supporting carers and their easily accessible website provides information on the rights and entitlements for family carers. You can find out more about issues relating to Housing, Revenue, Social Welfare, Health Service and HSE supports by accessing this link.
Feedback and Complaints for Family Carers
If you are not satisfied with a complaint investigation, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman, information at the details below:
The Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773
Tel: 01 6395600 or email: [email protected]