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Local Forums

Local Forums

The Local Forum is an open monthly meeting for people with connections to the mental health services.

People can speak about experiences, present views and raise matters of importance to improve the services for everyone.

Its purpose is to engage and work in partnership to improve the mental health services.  This allows service providers to respond to matters of importance raised by service users and their supporters and work together to resolve these matters.

The Local Forums take place once a month, usually on the 2nd last week of the month and have been held as virtual meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Face to face meetings are taking place with the removal of restrictions, but will change as circumstances dictate.

These meetings are professionally run with a chairperson outlining the Terms of Reference and Support Agreement, and an outline of the meeting agenda.

The agenda includes updates on active action items, personal observations, views and experiences and feedback from forum attendees on items brought for consultation from a number of possible sources, including service providers.

Where can I find Information on Local Forums in my area?

If you are interested in joining / finding out more about local forums in Galway, Mayo or Roscommon you can contact Maria McGoldrick at [email protected]/  087 4148743 or Fiona Dodd at [email protected] / 087 3805332.

Additional information about Local Forums can be accessed in the links below.

Local Area Leads, who are members of the Community Healthcare Organisation (CH0) Area Mental Health Management Team, and you can find out about this service in your area by clicking here.