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Mary O’Connell speaks in DCU about Family Peer Support

We invited Mary O’Connell back to Dublin City University to speak about her Family Peer Support Work Practice. This was the Certificate in Peer Support in Mental Health’s first class on Family Peer Support Working.

Mary came armed with her fantastic enthusiasm, some punchy slides and so many useful references. Mary was a delight to have and the class were very complimentary about her approach and knowledge. Thanks Mary for making the long journey from west to east, it was a pleasure to have you with us. Mary said the experience was energizing.

Family Peer Support workers also do many presentations about the service and work practice to health professionals, Psychiatric Nursing programs and the Peer Support Work program at Atlantic Technological University. As a community facing service they collaborate with community based organisations, NGO’s, plan community events, wellness events, webinars and organise networking opportunities for families. Some family peer support workers have been involved in the compilation and design of publications including social policy documents which support families.