Engaging with Mental Health Multidisciplinary Teams
A person using the mental health services is under the care of a number of healthcare professionals while they are in the Adult Mental Health Unit, with continuing care from the Community Mental Health team after they have been discharged if required as part of their care plan.
They are known collectively as the multidisciplinary team (MDT). The following leaflet gives an overview of the roles of the different mental health professional.
Integrated multidisciplinary care and recovery planning is the process by which an individuals health and social care needs are assessed and their care and support is planned, delivered and reviewed by the individual, their relatives (carers) and the range of professionals involved. You can read more here
We are all aware of how important it is to work at keeping the personal relationships in our lives in a good place. This applies to other relationships we have, for instance our family GP, Pharmacist and many others whose services we rely upon from time to time.
It is important to consider building good relationships and trust with your loved ones MDT. One member of the MDT have been designated the role of key worker. The keyworker can be helpful when you need advice and have concerns. When approaching the keyworker it is helpful to have a clear idea of all the concerns and a comprehensive list of questions you and other family members may have.
You will find helpful hints and advice in the booklets below
Family peer support workers have experience of engaging with mental health professionals proactively and are there to support you. Please feel free to contact us for support using the link below or on the contact section of this website.
Regulatory need for consent and data protection poses many difficulties for us in supporting our loved ones, we very often feel pushed back and that our role is being dismissed.
These regulatory factors also prohibit the multidisciplinary team members from disclosing information about our loved one without their consent. However if you are concerned your loved one is at risk of harming themselves or others it is important that you communicate this to his or her MDT team.
The Mental Health Act 2001 and regulations underpin the governance of all aspect of mental health care in Ireland.