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Self-care is something we all need in order to enhance our mental, emotional and physical health.  Eating well, regular exercise and healthy sleep patterns are essential for our physical and mental wellbeing.

Family, friends, colleagues, neighbours or support groups help us feel better, can provide a sense of security and may improve one’s coping skills.

Support groups, including family peer support workers who have lived experience supporting a family member, can provide emotional and practical support thus enhancing self-care.

Asking for support can be difficult but it’s always best to reach out for that support.  Everyone needs space and time and it is important not to feel guilty taking time out as part of one’s own self-care.

You can access some videos about self-care here.

We all have wellness tools we can use every day.  According to the Copeland Centre wellness tools are things everyone can use to keep well.  You may have discovered them yourself or learned of them from others.  Most of them are simple, safe and non-invasive. Find out more here.

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a prevention and wellness tool that anyone can use to get well and stay well.

  • It is designed to decrease and prevent unwanted or troubled feelings and behaviours
  • Increase the personal choices we make on how we live our lives
  • Improve our quality of life
  • Help us achieve our life goals and dreams

Using WRAP can develop a daily plan to stay on track, discover simple safe and effective tools to maintain wellness.  Identify what stressors are and have an action plan for how you will respond, receive support and stay in control, even in a crisis.

Listen below for a description of WRAP.

WRAP training is available for people from Recovery College West which incorporates Mayo Recovery College, Galway Recovery College and REGARI Recovery College recovery colleges.

Nationally, recovery colleges can be found at this resource:

The acronym CHIME stands for Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning and Empowerment and is another effective process which people find instrumental in their recovery.

See more about CHIME in the video below.

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.”

Golda Meir