The first online wellness morning was held on Wednesday 24th February 2021 by Bealach Nua Family Support Services for family members and friends of loved ones experiencing mental health challenges. Prior to the event, participants received a beautiful care pack (see photo) by post containing lots of products for the day’s events. For this family members thanked staff for their thoughtfulness.
Staff members at the family support service decided to organise this wonderful wellness morning for families who use the service. The aim of this event was to recognise the importance of taking time out for ourselves in these current times. It offered an opportunity to promote the importance of maintaining wellbeing for carers, including building capacity within their community. As staff members we wanted to remind all family members that Bealach Nua family service is still open and providing support as needed during Covid19.
The day started with lots of friendly conversation and the first event as part of the wellness morning was a beautiful facial demonstration by beautician Michelle Folliard with the help of her mother Dymphna. Michelle talked about how important it is to pamper ourselves every now and again and a wonderful way to do this was by having a facial.
As we all know, March is the month when the garden begins to awaken so this is a good time to think about the vegetables and flowers we might like to grow and as part of the wellness morning some tips were provided on getting seeds and plants ready for the coming season.
A pack of Sunflower seeds was also provided to everyone on the day with tips on sowing. Indeed, one person stated how it would be a nice idea to photograph the sunflowers as they grow over the coming summer months and that perhaps more people would sow some and derive much enjoyment watching them grow.
Local musician and Recovery Education Facilitator with Mayo Recovery College Billy Clarke certainly provided lots of sunshine as part of the wellness morning with a number of beautiful songs, as well as other participants who played the piano and a children’s book reading by a family member illustrated with stunning art work brought so much enjoyment for all.
We have all become more aware of the need to take time out for ourselves and perhaps this is more important than ever and with this in mind the wellness morning concluded with a mindfulness practice from local woman and compassion based mindfulness trainer, Joan Flannelly of Heart Space. Joan explained about the importance of connecting with ourselves through practising mindfulness on a daily basis and to give ourselves the time to do this. You can find out more here.
The Bealach Nua Wellness Morning conducted online was the first ever and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who participated. Participants on the day mentioned how they look forward to when events like this can be brought into the community where more people will be able to take part.
One family members who attended online stated “Billy’s sing along was fab, facial was fab. I am glowing after that. Noel’s gardening session, was really hope inspiring”. Another family member stated “I thoroughly enjoyed the morning it really did bring a spring to everyone’s step, you could see the smiles on everyone’s faces at the end of the event”.